Woman doing step ups on a Mirafit Aerobic Exercise Step

Looking to burn fat? You've come to the right place.

Below we've put together some of the most effective exercises you can do, with the minimum of gym equipment, to help you get back on track.

But before you get started, make sure you follow our three golden rules for HIIT style training:

1 - Know your limits – burning through calories takes effort. So, you need to make sure you are really working your body hard. This goes for all levels though. And if you're new to exercise, your limits are going to be different from those who train regularly. Listen to your body and find a level that works for you.

2 - Hydrate – HIIT style workouts like the one below are designed to have you sweating – a lot. And this means you need to stay well hydrated during, and after exercise. Isotonic sports drinks are a good idea, just avoid the really sugary ones.

3 - Keep an eye on the time – When you want to lose weight fast, exercising to excess can seem like a good idea. The thing is, it's not. You'll feel worn out and just make yourself more prone to injury. Work hard for around 30 minutes and then stop.


These are by far some of the best ways you can burn fat. For these exercises, we're using anExercise Step, which is a great way for you to get a more challenging workout. In terms of timing, we suggest you do each exercise for a minute, with a 20 second rest. You can then repeat the full cycle another two times for a full workout.


These are great for working your arms as well as getting your heart rate up. Start in a press up position with your legs either side of the step. Jump your feet up onto the box and back down. Repeat.


Man doing a push up on a Mirafit Aerobic Exercise Step

No fat-burning workout should be without burpees. Place your hands on the floor, spring your feet back and do a press up. And then jump your feet back in and spring back up. Repeat.


These are a real killer and it's surprising how quickly they get your heartrate up. Simply jump with both legs over the box and turn around to jump back over it again. Make sure you clear the box with a little room to spare to keep the pressure on.


Woman doing a box jump on a Mirafit Aerobic Exercise Step

Great for your glutes, legs and core. Stand to one side of your exercise step. Spring yourself up and land on top of the box with both feet at the same time. Jump back down to the other side and repeat. You can use your arms to help you when you get tired.


Simple to pick up but incredibly hard to maintain. High knees are great for your legs, cardio and core. Use your arms so that your body is fully engaged and simply jog on the spot while raising your knees up to waist height.


These work your core and your arms. Place your hands on the step so that you're in an incline press up position. Bring one knee in and then straighten it back out again. Then bring the other knee in and straighten it back out again. Do this quickly and keep going until the minute's up!


Woman doing alternating lunge jumps on a Mirafit Aerobic Exercise Step

These are great for injecting some real power into your workout. Lunge forward and down and then when you're ready, spring back up and swap your legs over in mid-air so that you land with the opposite foot forward. Try to keep the pace up while maintaining a deep lunge.


These may seem easy but done fast, they're a really effective calorie burner. Set the raiser blocks to a good height and then step up and back down one foot at a time as fast as you can. Swap your leading foot halfway through.


Start side on to your exercise step. Then jump up and over it to the other side. Repeat back the other way while making sure you push yourself up as high as you can go.


Doing these on the step will help you avoid the temptation to rest your feet on the floor, so you'll definitely feel the burn. Lie on the step with your feet out straight. Raise your legs up together while keeping your back flat and your abs pushed down. Once they're at a 90-degree angle to your body, carefully lower them back down to the starting position. Repeat.

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Tags: Equipment > Step ; Exercise Type > Cardio ; Misc > Workout